Fighting to prevent Byron Court Academisation

After a poor Ofsted report, Byron Court primary is being forced into academisation that parents, staff and children don’t want.

See below my letter to Gillan Keegan, the Secretary of State for Education, calling for the acadamisation to be suspended so as to allow a suitable period of 6 months (2 of which would in any case be in school holidays) to enable the school governors and the Rapid Improvement Group to turn things around.

I have recently received a response not from Baroness Barran, the Minister for the School System and Student Finance, rejecting a meeting. Instead directing me to the Deputy Director of London Regions Group. I will be taking up this meeting as soon as possible to do all I can to save Byron Court Primary from impending academisation.

In their response, Baroness Barran states that it is “the right decision for Byron Court Primary School”. The community at Byron Court Primary disagree. I will do all I can to make sure this is clear to them.

See their response below: