Barry interrogates two panels on all aspects of flooding and flood management

In today’s Environment, Foof and Rural Affairs select committee meeting, Barry questioned two separate panels on the topic of flooding.

The first panel consisted of Richard Dawson, (Adaptation Committee, Committee on Climate Change); and James Richardson, (Chief Economist, National Infrastructure Commission)

In Barry’s first round of questioning, the focus was on ‘resilience to flooding’

  • He referenced the Government’s July 2020 policy statement and asked what evidence there is that the increase in funding will actually deliver maximum benefit.

  • Barry also asked the panel to explain what “resilience to flooding” means in practice, before then moving on to ask the Committee on Climate Change what their position on Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) is.

The second panel consisted of Ali Morse, (Acting Chair, Blueprint for Water), Rob Wesley, (Head of Policy, Water UK) and Richard Bramley, (National Farmers’ Union)

Barry’s first contributuion in questioning this panel came in the form of these supplementary questions.

a) Who is going to rebuild the surface water sewage system?

b) to explain separation and disconnection between foul and surface water sewage, particularly in urban areas

Barry then wrapped up the session by focusing a series of questions on working with communities.

One such question was- What can be done to make sure water companies do the necessary work with communities?(especially given their concern about the lack of maintenance of the whole drainage infrastructure)

You can watch all 3 of Barry’s contributions below.